Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Upset tummies!

So this week has ALL been about puking.  It has been craziness at the Marlatt house!  Annie was the first one to start puking, and if you have seen a teeny tiny baby puke you know it is seriously one of the saddest things you will ever see!  Then I caught it, then Wyatt, and finally Josh.  Noah J is the only one who has made it through completely well!

So Josh woke up yesterday afternoon feeling sick.  He's still asleep right now, but I'm hoping that when he gets up he will feel better.  Luckily he hasn't puked any of his Tasigna, which was his main concern.  One thing he has noticed is that ALL of the side effects he usually has from the Tasigna have been very exaggerated.  Lots and lots of muscle cramps and aches and his knee was hurting pretty badly last night.  Praying that today he fully recovers!  Even though it is raining I would love to get out of the house!  4 days of not leaving the house could be more than I can take. :)

On an unrelated note, we wanted to share a link to a family that we know from our homeschool co-op.  They are adopting not one, but three special needs kids from Eastern Europe and are trying to raise the last bit of funds they need to complete the adoptions.  So they are having a raffle for an iPad2 (or a $500 Apple gift card).  Anything that you can give to help will make a huge difference.  We have been supremely blessed by the monetary generosity of our friends, family, and strangers these last few months.   Praying the same thing for the Johnson family!  All you have to do is click the link and then click on the "ChipIn!"  button and the money goes straight to their family.  You can see where all the money is going on the left hand side of their blog.  They just got back last week but are already heading over again for a court date tomorrow.  And then it appears that these kids might be home in as short as a month.  Please pray about what you can give to help these precious babies!

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