Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Scripture!

So I've been thinking that I would start posting each Sunday with scripture, a hymn, or a song that has been on my heart this week.  Maybe it will help someone else who is dealing with a similar situation.  Or at least let you know another way you can specifically pray for us this week, so you can know what promises we are clinging to.  I figure most weeks will be a simple scripture, but I happen to have a lot to say tonight. :)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

 God has also been really laying on my heart how He has provided for us in the past.  The words "don't forget, don't forget, don't forget" have been just repeatedly going through my mind.  Specifically how scared and desperate we were feeling before Josh got his job at UP.  He had just graduated and I was finishing up teaching my 2nd year at a job I was miserable at, and 9 months pregnant.  With no hopes for any job for Josh.  We were barely making it on my teaching salary and I just didn't know how we would ever survive.  So we decided that I would just teach another year and Josh would stay home with Noah until he found a job.  And I was crushed.  Absolutely devastated.  All I have ever wanted to be in this world is a mom and a wife.  To stay home and raise my kids myself.  And that dream was slipping away.  Josh interviewed at UP and they seemed so positive and basically made us think that he had the job.  The devastation we felt when they called to say he didn't get selected was the hardest thing we had been through at that point in our life.  I just remember specifically this one morning on my way to work, just feeling as though nothing could be fixed.  Nothing could get better.  And this song came on the radio.

And I just sat in that car at the stop sign on Cortlandt and just cried out to God.  Begging for Him to lift up my head.  Just feeling this release of pain, just being reminded that he heard even my sighs.  Feeling joy at thinking about how strong His hand is.  And you know, in one instant our world turned around.  And He provided in ways that we never dreamed of.  A month later we received a random call from UP saying they wanted to hire Josh for the next training class, which we didn't even know existed.  And He paved the way for us to get this house even though we didn't have good enough credit for it.  And UP increased the base salary for starting dispatchers a number of times over the first few years he worked there.  All things I never even dreamed could happen. 

I've been listening to this song a lot over the last 2 months.  Trying to let the words soak through to my soul.  And really focusing on the idea of waiting.  Waiting for His time, not mine.  Which brings me back around to Phil. 4:6.  The waiting makes me anxious.  But I'm really trying to hold on tight to this promise, cause I desperately need this peace to guard my heart and my mind.
Through waves and clouds and storms, He gently clears the way
Wait because in His time, so shall this night
Soon end in joy

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