Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We cannot even believe it, but at 7:30 in the morning we begin our journey with MD Anderson!  We are so excited!  Well, I am super excited.  Josh is nervous.  :)  They told us they would call us by noon on Wednesday just to set up the appointment, but they called just before closing today and said we could come first thing tomorrow. 

They also said we have to pay our deductible up front, before they do anything.  So we had a good one hour panic mode, trying to figure everything out financially.  I mean, seriously, just freak out mode.  Josh's insurance is just so awful.  So we're figuring out a few thousand for the deductible, and then we have to pay for his meds this week too.  One month of the stuff will cost around $3000.  Isn't that out of control?  Luckily after the deductible it is only 15% of that.  So we're working on juggling funds around to figure this month out.  Josh says MDA better be worth it, cause we could definitely take care of this cheaper somewhere else.  Sounds just like him, huh?  :)  His frugality is one of my favorite things about him!

They told us to plan to be there all day, rotating to different appointments.  They will do more bloodwork, some x-rays, and then a bone marrow biopsy.  Obviously there is some apprehension about the latter.  We have been reassured though, that it is not too bad. 

We are feeling like God has paved the way for us with this.  We were told it would be days before Kelsey-Seybold sent our info, then it would be days for them to review our application, and then days to get an appointment.  And here we are going tomorrow morning.  My heart is overflowing with thankfulness tonight!

We talked with the boys at dinner tonight about how Daddy's blood is sick and that he will see the doc tomorrow.  And then we stressed that they have to be gentle with Daddy tomorrow.  If you know the boys you know that will be a hard task for them!  Immediately Noah hopped off his seat and whispered to me that he wants to make Daddy a "well card" tomorrow.  That just melts my heart!  Of course Wyatt then got in on the action with whispering that he wants to get Daddy a "prize."  I love those boys.  After they ate they ran off into the school room, shut the door, and colored some pictures for him.  Noah wrote all over his - I love you.  From Noah.  I just love their tender hearts.  And nothing says get well soon like a lime green, pink, and orange batman!

So this is our prayer list for tomorrow:
  • that they don't find something worse than CML
  • that Josh's CML will be in the chronic phase
  • that the bone marrow biopsy will be nearly painless
  • that financially we are able to pay for the visit as well as the prescriptions
Thanks in advance for praying, and for all the support we have received.  We are feeling so loved!


  1. Just sing him the theta song and he'll be fine :) There's a kite called the theta kite flying in the sky tonight... Seriously praying and praising god for this unexpected favor.

  2. Praise God. That's the best news I've heard all week. We're here at work rooting for you Josh. Let me know what we can do to help.
    amwhitlo@up.com or
