Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More blood!

So tonight we are prepping for more bloodwork in the morning!  We have been talking all week about what our "goal" is for tomorrow.  There is no real expectation other than for the WBC count to fall.  But if you know me I need some hard and concrete numbers to know if what we are experiencing is normal.  So I made Josh chat with me for an hour about what he wants to see tomorrow.  I'm fairly certain I was talking and pestering all during a tv show, so I'm sure he loved that. :)  Last week was 190, so I have set a goal of at least 170.  20 seems like a good amount, right?  I would be ecstatic if it was 120!  From what we have read, most people get back down to normal levels within a month of starting meds.   And really, I think this WBC count is just kind of indicator of how things are going.  There won't be any "real", concrete results till we have another bone marrow biopsy, which isn't scheduled till July.

Things have been going pretty well as far as side effects.  Josh has gotten the bad Tasigna rash all over his head, neck, chest, and upper arms.  It is really weird cause it is just looks really rough, red, and bumpy.  So far the only itching problems are with his scalp, which I hear is super common.  So don't think he has lice if you see him scratching around his head!  He initially had a super hard time this week with the allopurinol.  He kept saying it gave him the "bubble guts."  Thank you, anonymous person at UP who taught Josh this term.  He was pretty miserable till he figured out perfect timing in taking it, which has lessened his issues.  And perhaps he has been just a teensy less fatigued this week.  But I could be imagining that. 

Sorry we have been MIA this last week, but it turns out that our hard drive has failed!  So now we are going to be without a computer for a while till we figure out what to do.  Josh bought the laptop used from someone at work for next to nothing, so it is kind of old and not really capable of all the programs we have on it.  So we don't really want to sink more money into it to fix it.  So for now I will be coming over to my mom's house all the time to use her computer!  Feels like we're back in college doing our laundry! :)

We'll update tomorrow with bloodwork results!  Please pray for good numbers!!

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