Thursday, January 5, 2012

December test results

Oh my, I have really fallen down on the job!  It only has taken me 3 weeks to write about Josh's December labs.  Christmas was so super crazy this year with Josh working the whole time I feel like this week is the first time I've had a chance to breathe!

Josh went for labs the week before Christmas and everything looked good.  The liver numbers were back down this time, although still not normal.  We were happy to see that they really are just bouncing around.  Hopefully when his body gets used to the constant chemo he will level out. 

In other news we will be making a few changes to try and help Josh deal with the one and only major side effect he has experienced - fatigue!  Seriously, the man is just so tired.  In the months before he was diagnosed he was getting increasingly fatigued, although we didn't really realize how severe it was.  After his blood levels stabilized after getting on Tasigna he was feeling so much better.  And really he still is, but at the same time is so exhausted compared to how he felt five years ago.  Of course there are many things that factor into that, between the night time working schedule and 3 demanding kiddos.  But it is very obvious to me what he is experiencing is not normal.  He had a week off at the beginning of December and we kept basically the same hours that same week.  That is when I realized how much the chemo must be affecting his sleepiness, cause I did not experience anywhere near the same amount of sleepiness as he did.

And really I think the bulk of the problem is that he is struggling to sleep during the day.  He wakes up at the six hour mark and just can't sleep any more.  So I've been reading up on it and we are going to make a few dietary changes that I hope will help him!  I'll keep everyone posted!

We go back for another bone marrow test on the 18th.  Hard to believe it has been three months since the last one! 

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