Monday, April 1, 2013

Two year cancerversary!!

Did everybody wish Josh a happy cancerversary today?  I seriously forgot until I saw something on FB about April Fools!  I just looked back at our 1 year cancerversary post and realize that we still feel the exact same way.... every single little detail about that day is still etched into our brains!  I guess its just not something that you forget. 

We haven't had much to post cause we haven't been back to MD Anderson since November.  We were maybe supposed to have an appointment a couple of months ago, but we did not make it.  They scheduled it on a Saturday (it was just bloodwork) which was really weird, since he has never had one on the weekend before.  We didn't go to it and nobody called or wrote, so I guess it was maybe a mistake on our schedule.  This is officially the longest we have been without having his levels checked.  I would say that is kind of scary, but we feel oddly OK with it.  I think we have kind of accepted that he is going to feel super crappy off an on and its OK.  It doesn't have to mean something awful, it is just part of the journey. 

So here are the big PCR results we haven't shared with anybody.  We've been sitting on them for 3 months now.  :)

  • April 2011     91.43 %
  • July 2011         5.19 %
  • October 2011     .09 %
  • January 2012      .08% 
  • April 2012          .02% 
  • November 2012  less than .01%
YES, they used the words "less than .01%".  Isn't that great?!  He will go in for his 2 year checkup in May where he will have another bone marrow test, bloodwork, and get to meet with Dr. Quintas.   I am looking forward to it, although the scary part is that from here the numbers either go up or stay the same basically.  I have seen for many people that their PCR bounces around a bit at the bottom of the scale.  I can imagine that is a little bit difficult to mentally deal with, so I'm praying his results stay the same!

Those of you who still take the time to purchase all of your Amazon stuff through our link, it is so much appreciated!!  The return rate for us is actually quite large... it adds up very quickly.  I say that cause I am a person who thinks $20 is a lot!  :)  We are able to take whatever we get from Amazon and pay that much more towards our growing MD Anderson bills.  So thank you friends!!

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